Been going non stop for the past three days and haven't found the time to update. Saturday, I stayed with Steve Bentz and his wife Shelly at their condo in Las Vegas. Steve taught me not to play craps, we had a great meal and a little political debate. Good times. Then Sunday am I arrived in LA around 1pm. I stayed the night with Chris Mann but had a few hours to kill so I stopped and saw Perry Kirkpatrick, and old friend from Virginia where I met him playing basketball at the YMCA and since he passed me the ball, I hired him to be a supervisor at the Daily Press. Years latter when I was in LA working CCN, I hired him to be the press room manager which is what he is still doing today. Sorry, no picture. Then I went to Durga Bhoj's house and met his son Anesh.. I met Durga in Orlando in 1994 and hired him to come to CCN as a Operations Manager. He is now the Packaging Manager at CCN Then I had a quick visit with Mark Dial who I met in Orlando as well and hired him to replace me as director of Operations at CCN when I was promoted. He now has my old SVP job though it is called something different now. Last I went to Chris Mann's house in Tustin, CA. He treated me right, great dinner, good conversation and great hospitality.

Found a picture of Perry, sorry Perry for missing you the first time around!

Durga and Anesh

Steve and I on his balcony. I met Steve in 2000 and found him fascinating.. He showed an interest in working with the team at CCN. My first question was "What is it that you do" 20 years latter he still hasn't answered that question!"

Chris and I on our way to Cabo San Lucas and Blue Marlin fishing in March of 2019.