Went on an 80 mile jaunt with Jim Sniff yesterday. Originally, we were going to go at 11 am but rain was in the forecast so we cancelled. Then Jim texted and said it should clear up by 4 pm so the trip was back on. But at 4 pm it was drizzling at my house so I held off. About 4:30 it cleared up and I headed over to Jim's. But when I got there, this is what we saw.

So, instead we walked over to his neighbors who were having a party and sat and chatted for about half an hour. Then the weather cleared up and we took a nice ride of about 80 miles down almost to the Illinois border. We stopped for a quick snack at a restaurant on the Rock river in Edgerton., WI.

Here is Jim from another ride we took.
Yes, I am reaching for content, my life hasn't been too exciting lately!