So lucky to have them! I have been amazed at the number of friends who have reached out to me in the past ten days and choose to recognize them here publicly. In reverse order.
April 10th. Gene Bell (Illinois) Julie Barth (Kansas) Nichole Geary (Sun Prairie)
April 9th. Nina Pang (Boston), Kevin Garris (Nor Cal), Jim Pagel (Wisconsin) and Zack Johnson (Illinois)
April 8th. Chris Avetisian (So Cal) Stefan Gustafsson (Sweden)
April 6th. Lee Carey (So Cal) Peter Garcia (San Antonio) Sue Newton (Wisconsin)
April 5th. Juan Gonzales (So Cal)
April 4th. Rob Kyle (Cleveland)
April 3rd. Sarp Uzkan (Chicago) Art Jenkins (San Antonio)
April 2nd Julie Barth (Kansas) Phillip Brandt (Fresno) Jim Lefko (San Antonio)
April 1st. Jim Pagel, Sue Newton
March 30th. Chris Avetisian, Greg Malcolm (Houston)
March 29th. Rob Kinard (Nor Cal) Jeff Johnson (Utah)
It is like they are all sharing a schedule and taking turns calling me. I hope that isn't the case but hey, will take it like a man if it turns out it
is organized that way!
Speaking of a good friend to me, here are a couple more pictures of Oly. Gone before her time but not forgotten.

Oly as a young pup. 2010

Oly as an adult. 2014 Replacing damaged wood floor. She she turned out better looking than any of us thought She would based on her appearance as a pup!
Oly would have had a lot of friends here in your old neighborhood in Medina. Since you left, everyone who has lived there has had a dog. Seems everyone on the street has a dog, oh yes, the current resident of your old house has a dog that looks just like Oly. Thinking of you as you journey
What a great dog. Myself and Eric miss her tons!
Hang in there Russ!
On those days I find myself reflecting back to a past life at The Times, I seem to recall only the enjoyable things. Some of which involved you, your sense of humor, and especially your insistence on, and consistency in, treating people as responsible, capable, adult human beings. That may not have pleased some, but it was the only respectful thing to do.
I'll follow along on this blog. My best to you.