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John Hopkins, my last hope for stem cell treatment replies.

Writer: Russ NewtonRuss Newton

Not a big shock to me and I had already decided to not go to John Hopkins. The simple fact is that the best out come I could hope for is to stop progression of symptoms. So that means if I am lucky, extremely lucky, I will live on but still wouldn't be able to speak or eat. And the thought is maybe someday they will come up with a cure. But I don't really care that much for existence as a non verbal non eating person with weakness on my left side and excessive drooling. So it is now back to the process of dying for me. And don't feel sad for me, I have had a good life and it had a lot of twist and turns, good days and bad days but a hellava of lot more good days. And the people I met along the way are precious to me. So I am content with what I have done and accomplished. I think I did well living the dash between 4/12/1960 - ?. Russ

HUSA7:15 AM (2 minutes ago) to me Good morning, We have had the case reviewed and unfortunately Hopkins does not offer Stem Cell treatment for ALS. Please advise if you want to proceed? Thank you! Hopkins USA Team Johns Hopkins USA Office: 410-464-6555 Fax: 410-464-6600 E-mail: WARNING: E-mail sent over the Internet is not secure. Information sent by e-mail may not remain confidential. DISCLAIMER: This e-mail is intended only for the individual to whom it is addressed. It may be used only in accordance with applicable laws. If you received this e-mail by mistake, notify the sender and destroy the e-mail. From: Russ Newton <> Sent: Monday, October 18, 2021 10:12 PM To: HUSA <> Subject: Re: Your recent Johns Hopkins Appointment Request - E108681263 Last I heard from you I was informed my case was undergoing review and that should take five to seven business days. That was back on October 4th or earlier. Wondered if the delay is because I am not suitable for a trial or if it is just taking longer. Any update you can give me would be appreciated. Thanks, Russ Newton On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 4:06 PM Russ Newton <> wrote: Did you get this form back from me? Can you please confirm the status of it for me please? Thank You. Russ On Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 10:53 AM HUSA <> wrote: Thank you for selecting The Johns Hopkins Hospital for your medical needs. I am delighted to help you receive the best possible care at one of the top hospitals in the U.S. according to U.S. News & World Report’s annual “Best Hospitals” survey. To request an appointment, please follow the steps below. As soon as the requested information is received, I will forward your information to the Department for review. Upon completion, I will contact you with the results of the department’s recommendation. STEP 1: Complete Appointment Request Form: Please complete all information requested in the attached Appointment Request Form and return it via fax or e-mail. Please be sure to list the condition for which you wish to be seen and your expectations in coming to Johns Hopkins. I also ask that you include an enlarged copy of your medical insurance card (front and back). STEP 2: Send Patient’s Medical Reports: Please send via e-mail or fax the most recent medical reports in English with the above-completed Appointment Request Form. Also include your diagnosis, written reports of diagnostic, radiological, and pathology studies, along with a description of current treatment. If you have relevant Imaging, all pertinent films should be uploaded to the Johns Hopkins Image sharing portal at and hand-carried to the appointment. Please see attached instructions for CD Upload instructions. STEP 3: Send all information to my attention: Johns Hopkins USA Phone: 410-464-6555 Fax: 410-464-6600 E-mail: Please be assured that Johns Hopkins USA is committed to protecting your clinical and financial information. I hope the above step-by-step process is helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions.



Oct 20, 2021

Russ, I had a stem cell transplant to beat my leukemia. Mine was at MD Anderson in Houston have you contacted them or Mayo? I hope and pray you can find a way to slow down or stop your disease. Take care Bert

Oct 20, 2021
Replying to

Russ, I understand. Take care of yourself to make it as comfortable as you can.


Oct 19, 2021

I appreciate hour honesty, Russ.

Russ Newton
Russ Newton
Oct 19, 2021
Replying to

Thanks. I got several notes on my evaluations along the way about my "direct style of communication " and the need to control it (always from bosses I didn't respect) and I never did and it seemed to work out fine for me so I will ride that way as long as I can!



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