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Philosophical musings.

Writer: Russ NewtonRuss Newton

Updated: Aug 3, 2021

Started thinking about this last night. Should I have kept working after my first retirement in 2015? The only reason I went back to work was money. I had gotten divorced in 2016 and went back to work in pursuit of more money. I had enough to live on then but I just wanted a little more. I think now that was a mistake. i could of had several more years of retirement instead of working from 2016 to 2019. And we all know the saying “No one ever said on their deathbed ‘I wish I’d spent more time at the office.’ ”

So I am going to give some hard won free advice to all of you. You don't need as much money as you think you do. You just need enough to live a simple life. And let my life be a warning to you all. I was going to retire in May of 2020 at 60. But I was diagnosed on 11/01/19 six months before then with a death sentence of a disease, ALS. Now I am not saying you will get a similar diagnoses. But life is precious and can be taken away from you any day, tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. Get out there and live your true life. The one you have been delaying for many years to build up a nest egg. Nest Eggs are important but you probably have enough to live on, several lives over.

Not trying to dictate anything here, just something I have learned the hard way. I have too much money and not enough time. I would much rather have the time instead of the money.


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Jul 03, 2021

Russ, this is a lot to think about, or maybe not. I retired in January of 2019 at age 57. I was discussing a situation with my boss that I was extremely dissatisfied with and she responded, “if you don’t like it you can leave.” I responded, more to myself than her, “you know, my house is paid for, my kids are done with school and have no debt and nice jobs and I have substantially more saved than I thought I would ever need to retire. However, we are supposed to solve problems not issue ultimatums so let’s work through the problem and drop the threats.”

However, I had made the decision at that point to leave. The truth…

Russ Newton
Russ Newton
Jul 03, 2021
Replying to

Gordon, Thank you again for the kind words. I am employing 20/20 hindsight in this post, if I knew then what I know now... And your right, the last job I held was the most satisfying of my career simply because of the people I worked with. Thank you friend for the good words. Russ


Mark Dtayo
Mark Dtayo
Jul 03, 2021

If you buy now it will be before the rush!! It would make the process easier! If there is no game 7 you will be refunded. Maybe Jim could help when you make the call if he is available? I have to imagine he'd be thrilled. :)


Russ Newton
Russ Newton
Jul 03, 2021

I will order my my tickets once game 6 is over and the Bucks win or lose. I have had nothing but trouble with buying tickets taking me hours to download them and would hate to purchase now and have the Bucks win. I can only imagine the hell that would await me under that scenario!


Mark Dtayo
Mark Dtayo
Jul 03, 2021

My Newton. Your are certainly demonstrating how to live life now! And, if I recall right, you had been living a pretty good life prior to your diagnoses... maybe not the foot-loose days of today but I think there were those among us who wished they had your blessed circumstances. Enjoy your time now. Live in the moment in the extent that you can with an eye toward the future(for instance you have booked you game 7 tix yet?!? - get on it because tomorrow will arrive for you! - I am banking on it! Get tix in section 117 if you can front row so we can all enjoy the game with you!! )



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