It was at their farm out in Fall River, Wisconsin. Well, it is the family's farm where Ray, the patriarch of the family was raised. Ray is 90 years old and still kicking hard! And Brandon lives there with his wife and children. But this post is about Greta. She is the most poised and polite young person I have ever met. She is full of questions but has enough poise and kindness to stop herself from asking them out of kindness for me. Who was trying to type out the answer to a previous question. And that is really appreciated by me! Very impressive to see in a young lady for sure! She is the Editor-in-Chief and Opinions Editor of her high school paper and after graduation is planning on attending the University of Wisconsin with a double major in veterinary medicine and psychology and minoring in both German and environmental science. Very impressive!
I met Steve Nashold in high school in our homeroom class. Nashold, Newton it was all done by the alphabet. I bet i spent more time at the Nashold's home during high school than I did at my own home. Julie Nashold, their mother was an intelligent woman and I can still call up a picture of her in my mind sitting at the kitchen table smoking a cigarette. and quizzing us about our lives. She always kept me unbalanced a bit in conversation. I wasn't used to being treated as a equal to any grownup and she was the first to award that honored status on me. As did Ray.

Ray Nashold is the patriarch of the five Nashold Children. Steve, Sean, David, Jennifer and Brandon.

This is Sean Nashold, guarding the Beer!

This is Brandon in the yellow shirt and Kent Otens A Varsity soccer player on the same team that I was part of in 1978. First time I have seen Kent in over 42 years! And his two daughters as well.

This is Peter Kocher, and this fine gentlemen played his guitar for me and he was very good!

And this is his daughter. Hazel Kocher In front of the 20 sided barn that is a famous landmark on the Nashold farm. Plug in twenty sided barn into google and see what I mean

The famous barn.
Thank you, Russ, for coming and sharing your story with me. You are incredible! We all loved getting to see you again. The man with the guitar is Peter Kocher, and the blue-haired girl is his daughter, Hazel ;)
-From Greta Nashold
What a wonderful family. And that barn!!!