Today's farewell to California has Leticia Bugarin up next on deck. Leticia was my favorite and best HR manager I ever worked with. She gave back as good as she took and that earns her high marks in my book. And she was usually right on with her guidance as well. It was great to catch up with her on her new job with Kaiser, I am sure she will do well in this job. Thank you Leticia for the time we worked together, it was great!
Thanks Grand Spud, always can use the feedback!
So glad this part of your adventures has been somewhat less perilous (flat tires, fatal truck crashes, running off the road...)
I enjoyed seeing your photos and reading about friends visited. I also worked with a number of them and am glad all seem to be doing well.
I am, however, going to taunt you a bit regarding your "selfie" composition skills. Leticia looks lovely as always in the photo, but it appears there is a pole or something growing out of the top of your head! Good grief.
Have fun and keep on riding. Again, I really appreciate the unique style of leadership you brought to The Times.