Been in Georgia with an old friend, John Craig. He is in the middle, his younger brother Mike is on his right. We are relaxing on a hot summer day on John's floating two story dock. It is quite a set up he has here. My ride down was for a change not filled with a flat tire or other debacle that has seem to be following me for awhile. The house is filled with friends, family and whoever comes by. I think there are 14 people here but it keeps going up or down depending on the day. Having a great time here, think I will stay until this Tuesday before heading back. Note, to get to his dock you have to walk through the woods for about half a mile. I finally saw some wild life I could catch up to.

That's all for now folks. Russ
Good to see you and John -- sounds like a perfect 4th!
Good conversation
Liz - hope life is treating you well
Happy 4th of July Russ!
Hi to John Craig- looks like a perfect weekend-