I still have a strong will to live. But my intellect is telling me I am close to going. Not because ALS is killing me, which it most certainly is. But because I am about to cross the line into a life I have no intention of living. Bed bound or wheel chair bound, my every need being done by paid care takers. Not for me. But the will to live is still strong. I find that annoying. thoughts?

i see this as one of the challenges of human evolution. Our default instinct based survival system initially was not built with thought and did everything it could automatically to survive. The thinking upgrade came later and brings up these types of choices that have only been made possible due to thought. Therefore I believe there's wisdom in choosing how we spend our time which may conflict with the non thought based survival system which provides the "will to live". Who knows.. just a few thoughts
Sounds very human. We fight to stay alive until all our fight is gone. Glad you are hanging in there! You have given all of us food for thought as we all come closer to the end of our life on earth.